My mission is to help overwhelmed, overworked solopreneurs like you work WITH, not AGAINST your energy so you can scale with ease. I also create real & vulnerable spaces for women in business! Welcome 👋

Hey, I'm Abby!

Bodymind Coach, Energy Management Coach, 4/1 Emotional Projector, Host of the Ask Abby Podcast & Human Design Nerd!

I opened my first business four years ago when I decided to strike up my own small bodywork practice. I became fascinated by the mindbody connection and stumbled into yoga, energy work and eventually.. coaching! 

It was such an unexpected and yet, natural progression. And YES, it took one divorce, a few years bartending 🍻 and a whole hell of a lot of coming back to myself to get where I am today. 

There were ups, downs and plenty of mistakes made on the rollercoaster that is entrepreneurship and I can tell you with confidence, that I know exactly how you are feeling right now. 

We all do.

That.. "everyone else makes it look easy" feeling.. we all get that.

But truth is, none of us know what we're doing. It is 💯 a learning curve and this community is here for the ride 🎢

The real magic ✨ comes when you lean into the rollercoaster instead of screeching things to a halt 🛑

Some of the biggest moves of my career came when I did the crazy thing that didn't make sense, followed my intuition and took the leap.